Sunday 15 November 2009

What Makes A Good 5K Training Program

Most things that have ever been created or achieved in life has been planned and designed in some way. Your fitness and 5k training program must be tackled using a similar way of thinking. Following a unstructured approach rarely gets the results we hope for.

A 5k training program that gets results is a valuable part of the process. You’ll need advice, direction and particular goals and targets to aim for, a good quality program will give you this.

Look out for any of these points in your 5k training program: -

The Good

Training for a 5k depends on a routine and any good program must contain this. It needs to allow in enough rest, so your body has time to recover whilst allowing you the opportunity to add in more training if for some reason you haven’t been able to train on your scheduled days.

One of the fundamental Factors of any 5k training program is the knowledge and information you’ll obtain from within it. Once you know how your fitness levels should be changing, you’ll stay motivated and be able recognize the times when you should work harder or hold back a little.

The Bad

If you're following a plan that is just a table which contains days and distances of runs or times for you to do is absolutely useless. The days of just trudging away mile after mile have gone, there are now more effective ways to increase your fitness levels.

The Ugly

Any program that tells you you can run a 5k as a complete newbie in merely two or three weeks is not going to work, your body can’t possibly alter that quickly. This type of assertion may well sell training programs, but it won’t yield many if any 5k runners.

Want to understand more about training for a 5k?  ‘5k Training For Beginners’ will teach you all you need to know. It’s an exceptionally effective 5k training program, perfect for anyone that wants to get off the couch to 5k running in the quickest possible time. Click here for more details.

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