Monday 14 December 2009

Getting Up Off The Couch To 5K Running - A Quick Start Up Guide

If you're considering getting fitter and would like to go from lounging on the couch to 5k training then there are a few things you need to do first. Give some attention to the next few points before you start any 5k training program: -

#1 Give Your Body The Once Over

First things first. Make an appointment with your doctor or physiotherapist to make sure you’re in good health or you have any joint or muscular complications before you begin your training.

#2 Invest In Your Health

The bare minimum any new runner needs is at least one pair of good quality running shoes, ideally selected for you by practiced staff at a respectable running store that have the equipment to monitor your running style.

You’ll also have to do some research so you know exactly what changes you need to be seeing through your training and how and when to take your training forwards or take a step back.

Lastly it will be a big help to you if you get some running clothing such as waterproofs, gloves, shorts, thermal underwear and running socks etc.

#3 Get The Foundations Right

Start off steadily, increasing your distances little by little, making sure you can allow sufficient recovery time between runs. I advocate that you leave at least 24 - 48 hours in between very difficult runs to begin with, but more if you need it.

If you plainly are going from the couch to 5k training and can’t run at all to begin with then you must begin by power walking until you’re able to jog easily, from then on you can push yourself a little faster. Running 3 times a week is usually enough to start seeing improvements in your fitness levels.

To find out more about going from the couch to 5k running, I would endorse ‘5k Training For Beginners.’ It’s one of the most effective 5k training schedules for beginners offered on the internet, perfect for anyone that wants to master how to run a 5k race in the fastest possible time.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Would You Like To Go From Couch Potato To 5K Runner?

Have you ever watched a running race and thought to yourself how terrific it would feel to go from ‘couch potato to 5k’ runner, then take heart, with a little dedication and the appropriate type of training, you absolutely can do it.

The secret is to begin little by little, by gradually improving the distances and pace you run at. No one has ever gone from couch potato to 5k runner without any training or practice, they just trained consistently and followed a regular 5k training schedule, consistently taking the steps required to enhance their fitness up to the point where they could easily run 3.1 miles in one go without stopping.

  • Initially you need to set some realistic goals. These should be a succession of less challenging goals broken down in to manageable chunks which lead up to your main aim of running a 5k race. Being able to run a set distance, eating balanced meals or running on certain days are just a few examples of specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time framed goals.
  • Next you'll need the guidance of a good training schedule which you can buy one from a reputable source. ‘5K Training For Beginners’ is a first-rate choice. This schedule needs to include a section on the theory behind running so you know how your body responds to training so you can carefully avoid over training and picking up injuries.
  • Thirdly your footwear has to be suitable for your running technique. Running in any old footwear may potentially cause long term injuries to joints, especially your ankles, knees and lower back.
  • Lastly you need to spend time practicing. This is where most runners give up. Without knowing the changes you should be witnessing in your fitness and endurance levels you too may falter.

If you’d like to discover how much training you need to do in order to go from couch potato to 5k runner, ‘5K Training For Beginners’ will show you all you need to know. Click here for more details – couch to 5k

Wednesday 25 November 2009

What Is The Perfect 5K Training Schedule?

If you’ve decided to enter a 5k this year, then you’re going to have to put some time and effort in to your training which means ideally you'll need to stick to a 5k training schedule.

Your mind is focussed on your target, you’re ready, willing and able, but what’s your next move?

This is the point at which many people would search online for a giveaway 5k training schedule. You’ll not struggle finding one, there’s heaps around that you can download from most running or charity websites, they’ll more often than not give you a a chart with a collection of numbers relating to distances or times you need to to run each day

But the problem with these free programmes is that you’ll find out absolutely nothing about running and this lessens your chances of success and increases the likelihood of suffering from injuries.

Any high-quality training schedule should contain all the following: -

  • Nutritional advice, you can’t expect to do well if you are filling up on the wrong type of fuel, after all you wouldn’t put diesel in a petrol car...Would you?.
  • New training techniques which improve fitness levels. Up to date training methods have moved on dramatically. Using them means you're unlikely to overuse the same muscles and joints which can lead to progress stopping injury.

The advanced strategies in my new guide - ‘5K Training For Beginners’ will rapidly enhance your fitness levels and minimise the time spent training.

  • The best way to choose running shoes and the right options of clothing to choose.
  • Tactically placed rest days that take in to account the level of effort of the previous days training.
  • Perhaps the most important thing an effective training schedule should teach you exactly how your body develops from the beginning of your training right up to race day, meaning you’ll see exactly what it is you’re attempting to accomplish. You’ll know when and how to change your training to boost your progress and quickly recognize the signs of overtraining and sidestep incapacitating injuries.

To find out more about ‘5kTraining For Beginners,’ an entertaining and simple to use 5k training schedule for beginners simply click on couch to 5k.

Sunday 15 November 2009

What Makes A Good 5K Training Program

Most things that have ever been created or achieved in life has been planned and designed in some way. Your fitness and 5k training program must be tackled using a similar way of thinking. Following a unstructured approach rarely gets the results we hope for.

A 5k training program that gets results is a valuable part of the process. You’ll need advice, direction and particular goals and targets to aim for, a good quality program will give you this.

Look out for any of these points in your 5k training program: -

The Good

Training for a 5k depends on a routine and any good program must contain this. It needs to allow in enough rest, so your body has time to recover whilst allowing you the opportunity to add in more training if for some reason you haven’t been able to train on your scheduled days.

One of the fundamental Factors of any 5k training program is the knowledge and information you’ll obtain from within it. Once you know how your fitness levels should be changing, you’ll stay motivated and be able recognize the times when you should work harder or hold back a little.

The Bad

If you're following a plan that is just a table which contains days and distances of runs or times for you to do is absolutely useless. The days of just trudging away mile after mile have gone, there are now more effective ways to increase your fitness levels.

The Ugly

Any program that tells you you can run a 5k as a complete newbie in merely two or three weeks is not going to work, your body can’t possibly alter that quickly. This type of assertion may well sell training programs, but it won’t yield many if any 5k runners.

Want to understand more about training for a 5k?  ‘5k Training For Beginners’ will teach you all you need to know. It’s an exceptionally effective 5k training program, perfect for anyone that wants to get off the couch to 5k running in the quickest possible time. Click here for more details.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Would You Like To Run For A Marathon Charity?

One of the number reasons for the increasing popularity of the modern marathon is that they are now commonly being used as a way of helping to raise funds for charities and worthwhile causes. Whichever marathon charity you go for, it will have greater importance to you if you choose one that is linked to someone who you know or have known that has been affected in some way.

Most people do select a certain marathon charity for the reason that they have a friend, family member or loved one who possibly will or would have benefitted in some way by the cause that charity supports. Selecting a charity to run for like this may have the following positive and motivational benefits: -

Making the decision to enter for charity could the ultimate kick start for many runners in making them take action by booking a place and beginning their marathon training.

During your running training for the race, there may be some difficult times. If you’ve chosen a charity that is near to your heart, you'll be able to take inspiration and encouragement from the fact you will be serving others and this will make sure that you don’t give up and keep going.

Running is largely a lonely, individual activity and whereas many people desire to run with friends or a club, running for a marathon charity also helps you to feel an integral part of a much larger community.

Many marathons have limits on the amount of places offered to casual runners and it's often a matter of luck if you'll be allowed to run or not.

Charities are now given a number of spaces and by applying for a place presented by one of these charities, you are far more likely to get a place. The conditions of your acceptance will be governed by you helping to raise a substantially sizeable amount of funds.

When you are taking part for a marathon charity you'll have another responsibility and this will certainly encourage you through your low days and difficult running sessions. Perhaps the most important element of this is that you will get so much support and encouragement in the course of and after the race that you’ll find it much more likely to keep going.

If you are thinking about whether or not to take part in your first marathon, you need to master and know the basics. Training for a marathon is no longer just a case of running mile after mile day after day. Current marathon training methods have changed the way you need to tackle your running, making it fun, motivating, much faster and with less risk of suffering from injuries or illness.

5K Training, Going It Alone Or Hiring An Expert?

If you're considering taking up running or actually starting a 5k training regime, would you get the best results going it on your own or could you benefit from employing the skills of a coach or personal trainer?

It's usual these days for people to employ experts to help them to achieve particular goals or activities they would like to take part in. Tennis, Basketball and Swimming coaches are just some of the professionals many use to speed up progress and stay motivated.

Getting better at running is no different. Here are a number of the benefits you'll notice if you hire a coach to help you with your 5k training: -


A good running coach will make sure that you are committed and making progress. Evidence shows beyond doubt that once we create appointments, there is always a greater reason to be on time, work harder or simply turn up and this will make sure that your 5k training gets done.


Training to run a 5k race isn't simply a case of grinding out endless miles, there are a number of advanced training techniques that reduce the amount of time you need to devote to your training whilst making sure you improve much faster.

Preventing Injuries

Accomplished personal trainers and coaches will recognize the signs of overtraining or possible injuries lurking. By keeping your coach informed and discussing the way you feel you can be sure that you aren’t doing too much it and dodge progress stopping injuries.


One of the main reasons for most runners stopping before they see any real signs of progress is through a lack of improvement. A coach will ensure that your fitness is getting better so you keep improving at the fastest rate possible.

If you like the concept of training with a running coach but can't afford to pay upwards of $50.00 per workout, why not have a look at ‘5k Training For Beginners.’ It’s one of the most successful 5k training schedules for beginners available online, perfect for anyone that wants to discover how to run a 5k in the quickest possible time. Click here for more details.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Top 5K Tips For The Running Novice

Here is a selection of 5k tips for the first time runner. Knowledge is power when it comes to trying things for the first time, such as running a 5k race. Sometimes the simplest of ideas make the biggest difference to the success you have.

The very first race you take part in is an exciting occasion. Here are some 5k tips to help you make the most the experience.

#1  You're not a sprinter, don't run like one! The buzz of the starting line usually leads to setting off under a burst of adrenalin, much too quick. This is a mistake because it tires your muscles very fast, meaning you to have to slow down or stop completely.

#2  Don't eat anything before the race, you should leave 2 hours gap after eating before running. When you run, blood gets sent to the working muscles away from your stomach and digestive system which is then unable to break food down fully. This can leads to feeling sick and stomach cramping.

#3  Always, always, always thoroughly wear in a new pair of running shoes well in advance of your first race. This should be done weeks in advance. New shoes can take a number of miles to get comfortable in and really mould to shape of your feet.

#4  Keep sipping water regularly. That doesn’t mean gulping down litres of the stuff, just regular sips to maintain normal hydration levels.

#5  Avoid racing against other runners. Whilst it can be annoying to watch an apparently out of shape runner pass you by, you shouldn’t try to keep up with them. They will almost definitely run at a pace which they’ve trained for, you have your own speed. Your first 5k isn’t the time to let pride take over your judgement or common sense.

If you'd like to run a 5k and want to discover more 5K tips, ‘5K Training For Beginners’ will show you everything you need to know. It’s an simple to use 5k training plan for beginners that shows how to run a 5k in the quickest possible time. Click here for more details.